Thanks for your interest in Journey Through The Bible! I have been so blessed by reading through the Bible, and I’m excited to share this blessing with you. My appreciation for God’s plan of redemption has exploded the more I’ve read through the Bible, and my goal for you is that you too would be awestruck over all that God has done for us through Christ.
So what is Journey Through The Bible? If you’re like me, it’s hard to read through the Bible in a year. The Bible is a big book, and it’s difficult to know where to start and what order to read all the books of the Bible. In addition, some of the books seem confusing and maybe even repetitive. Journey Through The Bible aims to remove these hindrances by providing a chronological reading plan that minimizes the repetition and accentuates the intent of each author. Also, as we get to each book I will email you a short introduction to that book, along with a video introduction by one of our Countryside pastors. These introductions will maximize your understanding of the each book’s background and its implications.
Below is a link to the Journey Through The Bible (JTTB) reading plan. This plan will take you through the Bible in chronological order, starting with Genesis and ending in Revelation. You will be able to read through the entire Bible in a year by devoting no more than 15 minutes a day, seven days a week. The psalms have been inserted into the narrative in chronological order, as well as books of prophecy and wisdom, so you’ll understand the context surrounding each book.
I have also created a web app that will guide you though the above reading plan if you’d like to read the Bible on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. It will work for iPhone, Android, iPad, PC- whatever device you have. Just click on the link below and you can see what it looks like and the Bible reading for today’s date.
Click on the link below to access the materials from the JTTB 2021 kickoff meeting, which also includes instructions for setting up the web app on your smartphone so it will read the Bible to you.
The main goal of Journey Through The Bible is to get you into the Bible, and allow the Bible to change your life. If this sounds good to you, sign up below and I will keep you informed of the next steps.